Sunday, January 5, 2025

Hospital System Implements Mask Mandate Across Illinois

By Jack Phillips

A hospital system in Illinois this week issued a mandate that everyone entering its facilities must wear a mask due to “widespread respiratory illnesses” in the area.

“Starting Tuesday, December 31, all employees, patients and visitors at our hospitals are required to wear masks due to the widespread respiratory illnesses in our communities, including COVID-19, influenza and RSV,” said OSF Saint Francis Medical Center, based in Peoria, Illinois, in a statement posted on Facebook.

“Additionally, we are implementing a temporary visitor restriction: only two visitors (age 18+) per patient at a time. Thank you for your cooperation in keeping our community safe.”

Sunday, October 27, 2024

Don't Support Assisted Suicide

By Pam Heavens

The Illinois General Assembly is considering a bill that will legalize physician-assisted suicide. I am a 68-year-old Disabled woman and proud member of “Stop Assisted Suicide Illinois Coalition”, which vehemently opposes this bill. This organization includes representatives from diverse communities including disability rights, patients’ rights, health care, hospice care, human rights, senior rights, veterans, and various faith- based advocacy organizations. All parties are committed to keeping Illinois a physician-assisted suicide free state.

Saturday, March 30, 2024

Illinois Doctor Opposes Assisted Suicide & Euthanasia Legalization

By Dr. Kevin Garner*

I am writing as a medical doctor with board certifications in internal medicine, hospice and palliative medicine, and addiction medicine. I work as a hospital physician, a hospice consultant, and provide primary care to an underserved population suffering from mental illness and addiction. Due to the Illinois Senate’s recent efforts to legalize “medical aid in dying” (aka, physician assisted suicide or euthanasia), I feel compelled to voice the opinion of many in the medical community regarding our opposition to empowering medical professionals to prescribe death.

The bill [SB 3499] is based on several flawed assumptions. Firstly, it overestimates the accuracy of a physician’s ability to predict a patient’s death within six months. Over the years, I have witnessed numerous patients who, despite meeting the six-month prognosis criteria for hospice care, have survived well beyond this period. Published studies confirm the high variability of physician prognostication.

Saturday, March 9, 2024

Access Living’s Amber Smock Quoted Extensively In Chicago Tribune

By Diane Coleman [pictured here]

Three days ago, Amber Smock, Vice President of Advocacy at Access Living, was quoted extensively in a Chicago Tribune article about Illinois’ assisted suicide bill. Today, the editorial board of the Tribune took a position opposed to the bill.

The March 5th article, “Should Illinois become a ‘right-to-die’ state? Lawmakers consider end-of-life option for terminally ill adults,” covered both sides. Here is the segment giving Access Living’s perspective as a disability rights organization:

Yet some disability rights advocates warn that the measure could put vulnerable populations at risk, including seniors, disabled folks and people with mental health issues.

Saturday, January 20, 2024

Alzheimer's Association Statement About Compassion & Choices, fna The Hemlock Society

Interesting news from last year.

Chicago. In an effort to provide information and resources about Alzheimer’s disease, the Alzheimer’s Association entered into an agreement to provide education and awareness information to Compassion & Choices, but failed to do appropriate due diligence. Their values are inconsistent with those of the Association. We deeply regret our mistake, have begun the termination of the relationship, and apologize to all of the families we support who were hurt or disappointed. Additionally, we are reviewing our process for all agreements including those that are focused on the sharing of educational information.

Thursday, February 13, 2020

Disability Groups Fight Back

Alderman Judy Fiske
On February 12, 2020, disability advocates from Access Living, Progress Center, Chicago ADAPT and Not Dead Yet attended a meeting
of the City Council of the City of Evanston, Illinois. The meeting was intended to provide public comment on a proposed resolution to support state legislation on assisted suicide.

Just after the start of the meeting, a spokesperson for the group proposing the resolution, announced that they were pulling
it in favor of more public discussion.

Evaston's Human Services Committee voted on February 3, 2020 to send the resolution to the full City Council.

Tuesday, February 11, 2020

Evanston City Council Strikes Euthanasia Resolution

Larry Blondi
By Margaret Dore, Esq.

On February 10, 2020, the Evanston City Council struck a resolution seeking to endorse "aid in dying," a euphemism for euthanasia and physician-assisted suicide.

Speakers in opposition included Larry Blondi and other members of the disability community.

Evanston City Council Dumps Assisted Suicide Resolution

Tuesday, February 11, 2020

Evanston City Council members last night ducked a resolution in support of assisted suicide after a large turnout of advocates on both sides of the issue.

Disability rights activists from Chicagoland organizations Access Living, Chicago ADAPT and Progress Center for Independent Living showed up to tell of the dangers of assisted suicide, while individuals representing national advocacy group Compassion and Choices  pushed the so-called “safety” of the process.

Just as the council was set to take up the resolution, Evanston resident Fay Clayton, wearing a yellow Compassion and Choices T-shirt, asked for the resolution to be withdrawn. Evanston Mayor Stephen Hagerty agreed, but allowed attendees to make short comments about the proposal. When the comments ended, council members struck the resolution from its agenda, saying more public discussion was needed.